Mark Szymanski

Software Engineer

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Hi there! I'm Mark Szymanski!

I am a software engineer living in Chapel Hill, NC

As a former professional chef, I am looking to utilize the skills I've learned in the kitchen to become a web developer. I have adapted a strong worth ethic and excellent communication skills. Now I've decided to use my passion as a chef to start a career for my other passion, software development!

Some of my interests include:

  • Cooking all sorts of different food from all around the world
  • Watching sports and playing fantasy sports
  • Video Games

About Me

After graduating high school I took community college courses and worked for Whole Foods Market, where I first had an opportunity to try professional cooking. This led me to get my Culinary Arts degree at Wake Technical Community College. For eight years I worked in kitchens, working my way up from pantry line cook, to banquet sous chef. I had a lot of great experiences in my culinary journey but decided it was time for a change. I am working hard to make changes for a more normal life and I know that Thinkful will allow me to achieve that. I have learned so much about software development, and am proud to now call myself a full-stack developer!

In my spare time, I enjoy playing video games and watching sports. I have been infatuated with the internet since I was a child. I still remember that annoying noise the modem used to make while trying to connect to AOL. In high school, I even created a basic website from scratch. Nowadays I enjoy browsing the web to find useful information and marvel at all the beautiful websites out there. I often think about what goes into making such masterful websites. I'm excited to work with others who are just as passionate about web design. I am able to provide several services such as creating or fixing websites, creating web apps, connecting the front-end with the back-end and much more!


Periodic Tables

A restaurant reservation system that can be used by any restaurant's front of house staff. Simply type in the guest's information in my easy to use form, and you will have an easy way to keep track of all of your reservations.

A full-stack application that was created using JavaScript. The front-end was designed using React and Bootstrap. Utilized Express, Knex, and PostgreSQL to connect the back-end.

We Love Movies

Back-end project that sets up a database and builds out specific routes so that users can gain access to data about movies, theaters, and reviews.

Built a RESTful API, used Express to create a server and execute CRUD requests, and wrote database migrations using Knex's migration tool.


A back-end project that sets up an API and builds out specific routes for a food delivery app called GrubDash.

Built an API using RESTful design principles and used Express to create a server, create custom error handlers, and middleware functions, and used express router to create different routes. Also utilized CORS to allow access to CRUD requests.

Pomodoro Timer

A timer app that follows Francesco Cirillo's Pomodoro technique. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

Built exclusively using React. Utilized many of React's features, including useState, React Hooks, Props, and Components.

Flashcards app

An app that allows users to create, edit, delete, and study flashcards. The app is a digital alternative to the messiness and un-organization of paper flashcards.

Built using React and Bootstrap. Utilized many of React's features, including useState, useEffect, React-router-dom, and event listeners. Used Bootstrap to create forms, cards, and buttons.

Project Decoder Ring

A JavaScript project with 3 different functions that you can use to encode and decode messages. Built as part of an assignment at Thinkful. Can be used for anyone who wants to encode or decode a secret message.

Utilized all kinds of different techniques including, higher-order functions, regular expressions, and destructuring.